Data Analysis

Why trust Pathology MU?

Check out the Training courses area for updates on online course offerings

  • 19 years experience working in medical diagnostic laboratories
  • Working in the lab has given me insight into the everyday problems lab workers face, and solutions to tackle them
  • National and International presentations on topics including Measurement Uncertainty, Statistical Quality Control and guest contributor to Pathology in Practice

In person and online

Contact pathologymu now to discuss any of the following:

  • Measurement Uncertainty
  • Statistical Quality Control
  • Study, project and experimental design
  • Method comparisons
  • Statistics for the medical laboratory

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…Stephen explained it in a way that no one else has before…

Courses from

Complex subjects explained in a relatable way

MU Fundamentals

This is an introduction to fundamental principles that underly measurement uncertainty. Learn the basic concepts, data sources and methods...

MU Advanced topics

Build on the foundations learnt in the ‘Fundamentals of MU’ course to deal with specific uncertainty contributors that should...

MU Applications

How it all ties together – the application of MU in the real world (or at least in our...

Statistical Quality Control Fundamentals

Entry level to the field of Statistical Quality Control. This module will serve as an introduction to traditional methods...

Statistical Quality Control Intermediate

Taking the next step towards applying performance metrics to deriving the most appropriate way to deliver your SQC procedure

Statistical Quality Control Advanced

This course will really dive into the details of setting your own, bespoke performance criteria so that you know...

View all courses

Data Analysis

Data analysis made easy

  • Submit your data for analysis
  • Regular or ad hoc analysis 
  • Choose your desired report format
  • Completely customizable
  • Receive regular, simple to use, informative reports without the pain of running them yourselves

If you find yourself spending huge amounts of time extracting, formatting analysing, and summarising data, get that time back by having the process automated through

Simply submit your data and wait for the report to arrive in your inbox

You can even receive it in a ready-made presentation format ready for review

Solutions can be built to your needs, let us know what you would like and we will provide it


Data Analysis


Demonstrate ongoing competence for all staff

  • Easily demonstrate ongoing competency in all aspects of MU, IQC, and assay performance
  • Regular submissions with a certificate of completion provided 
  • Enhance your learning from courses provided at
  • Learn from data, and apply it to your own working practices

Interpretation of assay performance measures is the most important skill a laboratory scientist in the modern laboratory can possess. How do you demonstrate competence in the area, as an ongoing example of your competency framework?

Using the pathologymu CPD module allows you to interrogate laboratory data, and test yourself to gain the skills you can apply directly to your own working practices. What could be better than learning from real data and having clear evidence that your skills are up to date, relevant, and benefitting your service directly?

Why not submit your data to test other members? You may even get some useful troubleshooting feedback from your peers

All releases are summarised in a concise report making it a great resource for troubleshooting as well!

CPD System